需要 Opera 瀏覽器。
With our extension, you can perform a quick search in the Hot.Game (after installation, when you select text in the context menu, the item "Search on Hot.Game" will appear). This will help you find the best prices faster!
Showing hints will help you see the best price for a game in our catalog, even if you are just on the game page in one of the online stores our catalog works with, or even just watching a video about this game. It is possible to customize the displaying of hints by clicking on the extension icon.
Access to advanced search will allow you to find the lowest prices even for games that are not in our catalog!
- 這個延伸套件能存取你部分網站的資料。
- 下載次數
- 8820
- 分類
- 購物
- 版本
- 大小
- 70.9 KB
- Last update
- Nov. 14, 2024
- 使用者授權條款
- Copyright 2024 hotgame
- 隱私權政策
- 提供服務的網站
- https://hot-game.info/
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