需要使用 Opera 浏览器。
BlockGuard protects you against SCAM Sites in the Cryptospace. If you try to reach a suspicious site, we show you a warning, and you can not enter the site. The database grows each day, and we improve the add-ons.
- 此扩展可访问您在所有网站上的数据。
- This extension can create rich notifications and display them to you in the system tray.
- 下载次数
- 24862
- 类别
- 隐私与安全
- 版本
- 1.2.1
- 大小
- 11.9 KB
- Last update
- Oct. 25, 2018
- 许可证
- Copyright 2018 cryptowall
- 服务网站
- https://www.blockguard.net
- 在线支持
- https://levcon.freshbooks.com
LastPass is an award-winning password manager for secure credential management on any device.
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uBlock Origin
一款高效的网络请求过滤工具,占用极低的内存和 CPU。
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