Kailangan ang browser ng Opera.
If you have for some purposes many accounts in Vkontakte or other social network and got bored using multiple browsers or loggin in/out between accounts, this extension is for you! Locate all your accouts in one browser and switch between them in an easiest way.
Now works in Opera!
Work in different accounts simultaneously (in different browser tabs).
Quick Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki and Google profiles switching
Customizable hotkeys, working in almost all browser pages
Profiles ordering
Import/export profiles
Vk group
Bug tracker
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang iyong data sa lahat ng website.
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang iyong data sa ilang website.
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang aktibidad ng iyong mga tab at pagba-browse.
Mga screenshot
Tungkol sa extension
- Mga download
- 31904
- Kategorya
- Social
- Bersyon
- 2.1.3
- Laki
- 111.2 KB
- Last update
- June 17, 2014
- Lisensya
- Copyright 2014 uzer2008
- Pahina ng suporta
- http://vk.com/vk_switcher
Social Fixer for Facebook
Social Fixer for Facebook lets you filter your news feed, hide things you don't want to see, and more!
Rating: Kabuuang bilang ng mga rating: 150
Barriers of communication
Let’s Learn About Communication Barriers And How To Communicate Effectively Without Delay.
Rating: Kabuuang bilang ng mga rating: 0
Easy Twitter™
Twitter Lite for Opera. Better then TweetDeck. Tweet to Web. Follow, Unfollow, Share, Download, Video, Like. Live Notifications.
Rating: Kabuuang bilang ng mga rating: 18
Promote YouTube videos for free, get more views, subscribers, likes, comments safely.
Rating: Kabuuang bilang ng mga rating: 3
Tip Calculator
Calcuate tip by percent of amount, split it among people or calculate tip precent given final amount
Rating: Kabuuang bilang ng mga rating: 1