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Our mission is to provide easy access to high-quality public data so that people can use it to improve their lives and the world around them.
Our team at USA OpenData LLC is making the world of US public data accessible to everyone, free of charge. We are bringing thousands of resources together to provide you a single searchable website. Public data reflects the world around us. Public data includes information recorded by local and federal governments. Our public information search includes people search, property records, vehicle records, patents, business registration, white house records, and campaign contributions. Students, journalists, data enthusiasts, and researchers can use this resource to help answer questions about the world we live in.
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- 19 กันยายน 2022
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- Copyright 2022 productivework
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- เว็บไซต์การบริการ
- https://usa-official.com/
- หน้าการสนับสนุน
- https://usa-official.com/
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