Webbläsaren Opera krävs.
iTIC Copilot is the "must have" browser extension for the ICT Systems Students at EPSEM.
We know the sites that you will sit in front of during hours (mostly because we did it too), so you will be with no doubt pleased with the features that we developed.
Starting from an anti-downloader and a full-downloader at OCW's website, going through an autologin and marks calculator at Atenea's website, and ending by combining Escriny's and Overleaf's website.
But that's not all! We also created some documents with advices that we would have loved to hear when we were studying.
Boost your productivity with iTIC Copilot, and not by getting inside an atomic_block ! (You will understand the joke by the end of 2nd grade)
- Tillägget kan få tillgång till data på vissa webbplatser.
Om tillägget
- Hämtningar
- 1 289
- Kategori
- Produktivitet
- Version
- 1.9.1
- Storlek
- 473,5 kB
- Last update
- 10 december 2022
- Licens
- Supportsida
- https://github.com/royalmo/itic-copilot
- Källkodssida
- https://github.com/royalmo/itic-copilot
Atavi bookmarks
Visuella bokmärken, bokmärkena synkas över flera webbläsare med fullkomlig säkerhet
Betyg: Totalt antal betyg: 190
Evernote Web Clipper
Använd Evernote-tillägget för att spara saker du ser på webben till Evernotekontot.
Betyg: Totalt antal betyg: 716
Autosort Bookmarks CE
Auto-sorts your bookmarks alphabetically.
Betyg: Totalt antal betyg: 11
Linguix Turbo: Text Expander and Shortcuts
Create clever text expansions to speed up your writing on email, LinkedIn, and millions of websites.
Betyg: Totalt antal betyg: 3
Capture Webpage Screenshot - FireShot
Ta FULL webbsida skärmdumpar. Fånga, redigera och spara dem till PDF / JPEG / GIF / PNG-format eller ladda upp till molnet, skriv ut direkt till din nätverksskrivare, skicka till OneNote, skicka till klippbordet eller skicka via e-post med bara några få klick.
Betyg: Totalt antal betyg: 348