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Ikona balíka Vhumo Bookmark Manager

Vhumo Bookmark Manager

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Brand protection
Vhumo uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) relating to the logo.
Creative Commons license

The Vhumo Brand and its logos are published and registered at
Creation date: June 23, 2009
Publication date: June 23, 2009
Last verification of comparison of public images on the net by on 28 January 2021 without finding matches (0 Matches).

Vhumo allows the distribution and use of its logo under license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0):

Vhumo Brand
Vhumo Brand
Vhumo Brand
 Legislation and protection of intellectual property
Vhumo is a public and free web system, defined as Bookmark Manager, dedicated to the management and cataloging of one's favorite links (bookmarks) according to the user's needs. Being a web platform, Vhumo was born according to technological and graphic criteria appropriately studied, created and adapted with imagination and creativity, adhering to the concept of look and feel for which protection is used according to the provisions of the industrial property code and the regulation. of the European Community of 12 December 2001 (6/2002).

Vhumo, enjoys article 1 of the law on copyright, where paragraph 1 defines: intellectual works of a creative nature that belong to literature [...] whatever the way are protected under this law or the form of expression.

Therefore, Vhumo is classified as a work of ingenuity of a creative nature both from a technical point of view and from a graphic point of view, which is unique in its kind. In particular, the peculiar characteristics that make it unique are:

registration without email
cataloging bookmarks with a simple concept of category
how to save the bookmark
sharing your bookmarks with other contacts in Vhumo
customization of the profile and layout

From the creative point of view, the sentence n.5089 of 12 March 2004 of the court of cassation is recalled, which expressed the following: for copyright protection, the existence of a creative act, albeit minimal, susceptible of manifestation in the external world, with the consequence that creativity cannot be excluded only because the work consists of simple ideas and notions included in the intellectual patrimony of people with experience in the subject.

Vhumo, by its technical nature is, as already written, a Bookmark Manager, that is a system that offers only registered users and who activate their VhumoID (profile), the possibility of cataloging their favorite links (bookmarks) according to their needs. In this scenario, reference is made to the ruling of 13 February 2014 which established that the reference is lawful, with a link to unprotected content on another site and that Member States cannot adopt measures to restrict this option. In addition, the links saved in the Vhumo archives are intended for personal use and have no visibility or public dissemination.
 License to use
Vhumo uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) relating to the platform.
Creative Commons license

In particular it is described as follows:

BY - Attribution BY: represents the authorship of the work. Whenever you use the Vhumo services on some other external platform, you must explicitly indicate who the author is;
NC - NonCommercial NC: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Otherwise, permission from the author is required.
ND - NoDerivatives ND: Not Derivative Works. You cannot transform or modify this work. Otherwise, permission from the author is required
The Creative Commons licenses comply with the Italian legislation on copyright in relation to the provisions of Law no. 633 of 1941, aimed at regulating and protecting intellectual property by attributing to the author rights of a patrimonial nature (to use the work economically and in this case the Vhumo platform) and moral rights.

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