Facebook Messenger
Built-in Facebook Messenger integration for instant messaging and group chats.
Built-in Whatsapp integration for instant messaging and group chats.
Built-in VKontakte integration for instant messaging and group chats.
Volume up - Boost your sound
Zvýšte hlasitosť zvuku alebo videa na ľubovoľnej karte prehliadača.
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Dislikes in YouTube™
The extension returns the ability to see how many people YouTube video have put dislikes.
Sound Booster
Boost your volume by up to 600% for Youtube Videos/Youtube Music.
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beat's volume - control your sound
Zvýšte maximálny objem až na 600%! Volume Booster - rozšírenie na zvýšenie hlasitosti zvuku reproduktora alebo slúchadiel.
Фишки для Рутрекера
Turbo Button
Toggle Opera Turbo with one click
Volume Booster - Increase sound
Unleash the power of sound on your browser! Increase volume to max level and control the it of any tab.
Youtube 4K Downloader
Download YouTube Videos at (8K, 4K, 1080p, 720p) at 60 FPS and HDR in 1 click and download mp3 at the best quality.
Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button for more comfortable reading.
Enable Right Click for Opera™
Rozšírenie vám umožňuje zvýrazniť, kopírovať a vkladať text, ako aj otvoriť kontextové menu kliknutím pravým tlačidlom myši na chránené weby.
Text to Voice
Open sidebar selected text and click in context menu 'Selected text to Speech' to listen
Enable Right Mouse Click
Rozšírenie Povoliť pravé tlačidlo myši vám pomôže povoliť kliknutie pravým tlačidlom myši na všetky weby, ktoré obmedzujú kopírovanie textu a zobrazenie kontextovej ponuky.
SBIS Plugin Extension
Расширение браузера для работы со СБИС Плагин.
ChatGPT Dectector
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Show Password
Pri umiestnení kurzora myši nad pole pre heslo zobrazte heslo za hviezdičkami.
Adjust Screen Brightness
Control your browser's global screen brightness to use sites that do not support the native dark theme
OP ChatGPT Login Guide
Here Chat GPT Login To New Advanced ChatGPT Login Plus, How to Log in to Chat GPT, and Chatgpt Login and Chat GPT Pro Sign Up. A complete Guide.
Reader View
strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability
Working URLs of bookmakers websites
Daily update of working web addresses for >20 popular bookmakers
PDF Mage
Click to save page as PDF
Kitchen Buying Guide and Review
Vimeo Downloader - Guide
Vimeo Downloader Help you to download the vimeo Video and guides how to download.
Enable PiP Mode
Re-enable your Picture in Picture or Video Pop-out function on sites that have explicitly disabled them.
Enables accessibility options for various video players on the web based on user preferences
Open in IE
Send HTML links and webpages directly to the Internet Explorer browser without copy and paste!
YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut
Shift+Plus or Numpad Plus to like, Shift+Minus or Numpad Minus to dislike. Can't get any simpler.
Temp Mail - Disposable Temporary Email
Temporary disposable email address. Protect your email from spam, bots and phishing with TempMail.
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