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Эти расширения и фоновые рисунки предназначены для браузера Opera.

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Значок для Ambient light for YouTube™

Ambient light for YouTube™

4.4 / 5
  • Ваша оценка
Всего оценок: 48

Политика конфиденциальности

This extension only runs on tabs that start with the url https://www.youtube.com. The extension will only activate the ambient light effect on YouTube's /watch page

The only requests being sent are crash reports. (But crash reports can be turned off.) No other requests are sent to any webserver, website or api. But in case a crash occurs the report is sent to Sentry.io and will always be deleted after 30 days. Because the only goal of these crash reports is to fix the crash. While doing so we also take into account your Do Not Track preference. For more information about Do Not Track visit https://allaboutdnt.com

Просмотреть полный текст политики конфиденциальности.

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