Search in YouTube
Right-click on some selected text and find results in Youtube
Date Today
Показывает текущую дату и время.
Merge Windows
Merge all browser windows in one
Search within the site
Расширение добавляет иконку для поиска по текущему сайту в Google или Yandex
Изменяйте веб-страницы по своему желанию с помощью пользовательских скриптов
Search image
Right-click on some text and find its image with Google image search.
Прогноз погоды от Гисметео. Текущая погода и детальный прогноз по всему миру.
RSS Zing
Notification for new RSS feed posts. No account required.
W3C Markup Validation Service
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.
BuiltWith Technology Profiler
Find out what the website you are visiting is built with using this extension.
Image Searcher
Search similar image by "Google search by Image".
Filter request headers
Block certain values (cookies, etc.) from http request headers.
iForum Opera
IPv4 to IPv6 Converter
Convert Internet Protocol v4 (IPv4) address to Internet Protocol v6 (IPv6) address using different methods.
UzHack - ответы к UzTest
Ответы к тестам и трененгам онлайн системы тестирования UzTest.RU
The Old Reader Notifier
Notifies you about unread items in your The Old Reader account.
Open in (background) tab
Extends the context menu of selected text to open an URL in a new tab.
Slim Scroll bar
Modern & slim looks for browser scroll bars!
EX.UA/FS.UA без рекламы
Позволяет отключить рекламные блоки: в шапке, между элементами списка, на стартовой, а также на странице поиска.
SG Fórum tuning
Feedly Notification
Notifier of unread articles for Feedly.
Shareaholic for Pinterest
Pin images from any website to Pinterest. See the official Pinterest pin count for any link.
Classic Tabs
Classic Tabs brings back some of the extra tab options from Opera 12.
Linkify For Opera
Converts any plain text to clickable links
TweetRight +
Share web pages, selected text, links and images on Twitter by right click.
Gmail Notifier
Оповещение для нескольких аккаунтов Google Mail (Gmail)
Opera Chat. Simple, personal.
WebMoney Advisor Next
Отзывы интернет-пользователей о сайтах
Speed-Up Browsing
Speeds up browsing over the time, by adding missing Cache-Control response headers.
Magic Actions for YouTube™
Enhance your YouTube watching experience! Cinema Mode, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, AutoHD, Expand, Snapshots …
Shorten URLs and copy to clipboard or post to twitter directly. Goo.gl, Bit.ly, McAf.ee, Youtu.be Y.ahoo.it, and others.
Melanto Calculator
Easy to use scientific calculator ...