É necessário o browser Opera.
Network Information is an Opera add-on that provides information about your system's connection.
It is working based on a new JavaScript API called "navigator.connection". When you open the toolbar popup UI, there is a big speed gauge at the top center which shows the "downlink" speed for your browser. This speed refers to the estimated bandwidth in megabits per second (not related to the current internet speed). Other metrics for the network information API are connection type and round trip time (rtt). There is a reload button at the top right corner of the screen which is for reloading the app UI. There is also a wifi icon at the middle right section of the screen which shows the online or offline status of your browser.
If you found a bug to report, or have a feature request in mind, please fill the bug report form in the add-on's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/network-information.html).
Sobre a extensão
- Transferências
- 1.812
- Categoria
- Ferramentas de Programador
- Versão
- 0.1.0
- Tamanho
- 28,7 KB
- Última actualização
- 10 de Fevereiro de 2023
- Licença
- Copyright 2019 hoviekeller
- Página de ajuda
- https://mybrowseraddon.com/network-information.html
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