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Te rozszerzenia i tapety stworzono dla przeglądarki Opera.

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Ikona pakietu SPOI Filter

SPOI Filter

4.1 / 5
  • Twoja ocena
Całkowita liczba ocen: 2

Polityka prywatności


There will be no selling, borrowing, loaning, giving, renting, looking-the-other-way on your information.

Our servers do not have your actual email address, so that is safe.

Our servers do not have your payment information, so that is safe.

Our servers do not have your home address, so that is safe.

A hash of your email address used for registration is periodically sent to our license server to see if the subscription is current.

Your actual registration email address is never stored on or sent to our license server.

If you use the synchronize settings option for your SPOI Filter settings, your settings are encrypted on your machine using AES encryption with an encryption key you specify before being sent to our sync servers.  Only you have the encryption key to decode your settings.

Zobacz pełny tekst polityki prywatności.

Powrót do szczegółów SPOI Filter