Wymagana przeglądarka Opera.
If you use some text emotes in Twitch Chat (such as "OMEGALUL", "PogU", "KEKW", "LULW", etc.), then this extension will be useful for you.
Just add your favorite text emotes and they will be right in the standard twitch.tv emotes panel.
— Adding / Removing your custom text emotes (let's call it "temotes")
— Posting right into the [twitch.tv](http://twitch.tv) chat
— Enabling / Disabling it right from the extension pop-up
— Secure: temotes are stored in the local storage of your browser and only on your device (in the case of Chrome, they are synchronized with your account)
— Adding: Type it into the chat (or select any text on the twitch.tv page) ➝ select ➝ right-click ➝ "Add Text Emote". It will be added to the default Twitch Chat Emotes panel
— Posting: Open Twitch Emotes ➝ Click your Text Emote
— Removing: Open Twitch Emotes ➝ Right-click your Text Emote
Please do not use it for spamming and violating Twitch rules. Respect you streamers.
Twitch is constantly changing its page, and sometimes these changes cause some features to break. So please do not rate low if something is broken, just leave user feedback and it will be fixed ASAP, Thank you ❤️
Contacts for any inquiries, issues, feedback
Discord: https://discord.gg/WDXUDBvjaE
email: support@temotes.wtf
Home page: https://temotes.wtf/
- To rozszerzenie może uzyskać dostęp do Twoich danych na niektórych witrynach.
- To rozszerzenie może uzyskać dostęp do kart i Twojej aktywności.
Zrzuty ekranu
O rozszerzeniu
- Liczba pobrań
- 15 068
- Kategoria
- Społecznościowe
- Wersja
- 1.0.2
- Rozmiar
- 21,1 KB
- Ostatnia aktualizacja
- 1 grudnia 2021
- Licencja
- Polityka prywatności
- Witryna usługi
- https://temotes.wtf
- Strona pomocy technicznej
- https://temotes.wtf
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