Opera-browser vereist.
If you have for some purposes many accounts in Vkontakte or other social network and got bored using multiple browsers or loggin in/out between accounts, this extension is for you! Locate all your accouts in one browser and switch between them in an easiest way.
Now works in Opera!
Work in different accounts simultaneously (in different browser tabs).
Quick Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki and Google profiles switching
Customizable hotkeys, working in almost all browser pages
Profiles ordering
Import/export profiles
Vk group
Bug tracker
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je gegevens op alle websites.
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je gegevens op sommige websites.
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je tabs en browseactiviteit.
Over de extensie
- Downloads
- 31.904
- Categorie
- Sociaal
- Versie
- 2.1.3
- Grootte
- 111,2 KB
- Last update
- 17 juni 2014
- Licentie
- Copyright 2014 uzer2008
- Ondersteuningspagina
- http://vk.com/vk_switcher
Better Drive Chat
Emotes and images in Google Docs chat.
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 1
Game Of thrones Spoil Blocker 2019
A Game of Thrones spoiler blocking plugin for your Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Google News feeds.
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 4
Social Fixer for Facebook
Social Fixer for Facebook lets you filter your news feed, hide things you don't want to see, and more!
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 150
Advanced Profanity Filter
Advanced Profanity Filter helps to clean up bad language on the websites you and your family visit.
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 9
Tip Calculator
Calcuate tip by percent of amount, split it among people or calculate tip precent given final amount
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 1