Opera-browser vereist.
* Tomba : Email Finder
Tomba.io is an Email Finder for B2B sales and email marketing .
We are collecting and crafting public data using our Robots to provide an advanced prospecting tool to help professionals .
Data at scale
Direct from source
Tech driven
* Tomba allows you to
- Find email addresses with sources
- Find company information
- Check company social profiles
- Check email pattern
- Find emails for a specific job title
- Find a specific person's email
- The Confidence Score
- Export the email addresses found in CSV
- You can save in email by clicking the save as lead button
* Who uses Tomba: Email Finder
- Sales professionals
- Lead generation teams
- Recruiters
- Human resource professionals
- Business executives, Business analysts & Marketing consultants
Automatically save your leads to favorite CRM:
- Hubspot
- Mailchimp
- PipeDrive
- Airtable
- Zapier
* Join Tomba right now for a free plan and get 150 request every month
✔ Get up to 100 free credits when you sign up to test our tool!
register https://app.tomba.io/auth/register
* Tomba has other useful tools, including,
- Domain search
- Email Finder
- Email Verifier
- Bulk Domain search,
- Bulk Email Finder
- Bulk Email Verifier
Does not interfere with other email addresses finder Microsoft Edge
extensions including most popular clearbit, hunter, rocketreach, scrapp and works alongside with them.
# Privacy
Tomba's general terms and conditions https://tomba.io/terms-of-service
Tomba's privacy policy https://tomba.io/privacy-policy
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je gegevens op alle websites.
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je gegevens op sommige websites.
- Deze extensie kan toegang krijgen tot je tabs en browseactiviteit.
Over de extensie
- Downloads
- 4.703
- Categorie
- Zoeken
- Versie
- 0.1.16
- Grootte
- 684,8 KB
- Last update
- 18 oktober 2022
- Licentie
- Privacybeleid
- Service website
- https://tomba.io
- Ondersteuningspagina
- https://help.tomba.io/en/
TinEye Reverse Image Search
This is the official TinEye Opera extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions.
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Save Wiki search result rapidly in html and in pdf or print in Google Cloud
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Search Bookmarks, History and Tabs
Browser extension to (fuzzy) search and navigate bookmarks, history and open tabs.
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The all-in-one search tool: select and search. Find on multiple websites at once. Easy anonymous setup. Cross-browser sync.
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Search Engine Result Counter
Nummert de zoekresultaten van zoekmachines om makkelijk de positie af te lezen en de natuurlijke zoekresultaten beter te scheiden van advertenties. Ondersteunt Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Startpage. Yahoo en Yandex.
Waardering: Totaal aantal waarderingen: 1