Youtube Downloader
This extension add a download button on any Youtube page and allows you to download MP3 & Video with just one click.
Audio Equalizer and Amplifier
Wereldwijd regelen van audio egalisatie, genres presets, volumeverhoging van alle video- en audio-elementen op alle webpagina's
Spotify Player
Spotify extension - Music for every moment
Picture in Picture - PiP View
Bekijk video's in een zwevend PiP venster (altijd boven andere vensters), zelfs wanneer van tab wordt gewisseld.
Sidebar for Youtube Music
Youtube Music sidebar extension
Advanced Audio Equalizer
Verbeter uw online audiobeleving met de Geavanceerde Audio Equalizer. Stem uw tabbladaudio in real-time af
YouTube™ Player AdBlocker
Prevents YouTube page, HTML5 player, and Flash player from displaying ads and banners
YouTube Audio Equalizer and Amplifier
Control audio equalization and volume level of YouTube and YouTube Music
Media Player
Een krachtige mediaspeler die bovenop het video.js-project is gebouwd met ondersteuning voor snelheidsregeling
Online Radio
All your favorite radio stations in one extension.
Video Player
Web audio and video player with speed control and volume boosting
Download videos online from any website or social network such as Facebook and Instagram. Free, fast and easy to use downloader!
SoundCloud Button
Extension allows you to play/pause your SoundCloud stream using button or on site player. Do it even faster by using context menu
SoundCloud Controls
Control soundcloud.com from within a toolbar panel
Seesu Music
Music search, player and meetings. Powered by last.fm and others.
Send to VLC (VideoLAN) media player
Send media stream links from current tab to VLC (VideoLAN) media player
Radio player
Listen to the best radio stations directly in your browser!
Web Player for Spotify™
Wrapper window for Spotify's web-player with easy access toggle, next and previous buttons
Flash Player for YouTube™
Watch YouTube Videos Only in Adobe Flash Player
YouTube™ use Flash Player
Force YouTube to use Flash player over the HTML5 player
Popup Player for Spotify™
Control Spotify web player from a toolbar popup (includes play, pause, skip previous and next tracks)
Last.fm Scrobbler for YouTube
Scrobbling YouTube music videos to Last.fm
Audio Only for YouTube™
Listen to audio (no video) in YouTube and all embedded videos.
Online Radio X-at
Free Online Internet Radio Stations
Piano Prime
An easy-to-use and lite piano app for your browser.
Toolbar Control for YouTube Music
Control YouTube Music player from your browser toolbar area
Control vk.com (vkontakte) audioplayer: gobal hotkeys, browser adressbar button
YouTube™ Stop Button
Voegt een stopknop toe aan de spelerinterface om de speler te ontladen en het bufferen van de video op elk moment te stoppen.
Control Center for YouTube
YouTube popup pause and resume as well as no buffer, HD quality, wide screen, ...
Net Radio
Theater Mode for YouTube™
Forces YouTube to open the player in the theater mode (full-width mode) even if you are logged out