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F.B. Purity lets you clean up and Customize Facebook. It gives you options for filering out all the application spam and other annoying message types, and generally makes Facebook less annoying to use
If you like F.B. Purity, please be sure to:
★ Give it a 5 Star review, and tell your friends about it too! :)
★ Donate to the project: http://donate.fbpurity.com to support all the hard work that goes into producing F.B. Purity.
F.B. Purity adds a small information bar at the top of your facebook homepage / news feed. It tells you how many application messages its hidden and also how many other "extra" message types (which you can specify in the options screen) its hidden. The options screen is accessible by clicking the F.B. Purity link in the previously mentioned information bar.
For instructions on how to use this extension, please read the User Guide:
F.B. Purity User Guide:
If you appreciate the extension, please donate to help fund development and support costs. A huge amount of work has gone into this:
For up to date release notes, pelase check http://news.fbpurity.com
New: Hide Auto Tag Suggestions
New: Disable Autoplay Video Option - Turns off Autoplay
New: Full Screen Chat Option – Open all chat messages in Full Screen Message window
New: FBP News Notifications (can be turned off on options screen)
New: Chat Options section of options screen
New: Timeline Options section of options screen
Heres a list of the different message types you can hide:
Sponsored Stories, Suggested Posts, Suggested Pages, Games Your Friends Are Playing, Games / Applications, Facebook Offers, Facebook Questions, Became friends with, Liked page (became a fan), Joined a group, Attending an event, Attended an event, Created an event, Upcoming Events, Upcoming Concerts, Changed location (Check-ins), Updated profile, Changed profile picture, Changed Cover photo, Changed relationship, Commented on or likes status, Uploaded photo, Tagged in, likes or commented on photo, Tagged in, likes or Commented on album, Uploaded video, Tagged in video, Shared a link, Commented on or likes link, Posted a note, Tagged in note, Commented on wall, Commented on group wall, Commented on page wall, Read an Article, Shared a Photo, Trending Articles, Trending Videos, All Photos, All Videos, Commented on This, Liked This, Tagged in This
If you have friends whose posts you don't want to be filtered out by FBP, you can add them to the Friend Whitelist via the FBP options screen.
Deleted Friend Alerts - When any of your friends remove you from their friends list, FBP will display an onscreen alert, telling you about it. (This function can be turned off via the FBP options screen)
Has an option to Force the newsfeed to switch to the Most Recent Feed.
More Features :
- Set Background image (enabling themes / skins / wallpaper)
- Change top nav bar colour
- Hide the Reactions bar
- Hide any or all of the panels on the right of your Facebook homepage, such as: The Ticker Bar, The Events Box, Sponsored Box (Ads / Adverts), Birthdays, Suggestions Box, Get Connected Box, Pokes, Chat Box, Game/App requests, Friend Requests, Recommended Pages, and Related Groups, etc
- Easily Hide links in the left column, including "Pages Feed, Games Feed, App Center, Pokes, Music, Places Editor, Adverts Manager, Like Pages, Developer, Connect, Groups, Events etc"
- Hide Facebook Smileys / Emoticons Graphics
- Hide offline friends in Chat
- Change Font and Background Colours, and the actual font itself.
- Hide Facebook Questions + answer stories from your newsfeed
- Custom Text Filters, let you filter out specific words, or phrases, that you dont want to see in your news stream
- Optionally allow or hide Application messages in your newsfeed, and if you do hide them, it also allows you to Whitelist applications you do want to see.
- Choose the font size you want for your news stream.
- Custom CSS Box, lets you add your own Custom CSS rules for further Customisation of Facebook. (See http://css.fbpurity.com )
- Adds a Block Application ("BA") link to every application message, so you can easily block applications from your newstream and from getting your personal data.
- The "BA" button, now lets you block multiple applications with one click.
If you have any problems or questions, or think you have found a bug in F.B. Purity, please first read the FAQ:
F.B. Purity Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Please do not use the reviews section for submitting bug reports, you can submit them via the FBP website or the FBP fan page, and they will get fixed.
The latest version of F.B. Purity will always be available at http://www.fbpurity.com
FB and Facebook are Trademarks of the Facebook Inc. F.B. Purity is in no way affiliated or endorsed by Facebook Inc.
- 이 확장 기능은 일부 웹 사이트의 데이터에 액세스할 수 있습니다.
확장 기능 정보
- 다운로드 횟수
- 217,162
- 범주
- 쇼셜
- 버전
- 크기
- 209.7 KB
- 최종 업데이트 일
- 2025년 3월 4일
- 라이선스
- Copyright 2025 st333v
- 개인 정보 보호 정책
- 지원 페이지
- https://www.fbpurity.com/
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사용자 피드백
- st333v6개월 전
@ChrisShannon if the fbp button in the top bar is not visible, another way to open the fbp options is to click the "F.B. Purity" link which appears in the fbp info bar just above the first post in the newsfeed.
If that is not showing either, you should follow all the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide on the FAQ page on FBPURITY.COM
- ChrisShannon6개월 전
@st333v After much looking and searching and searching, I finally found it to the right of my profile picture/profile button. It doesn't normally display, but if you hang there it might open itself to the right of the picture.
- amishachar11개월 전
Only how to make it permanently from the "home" icon...
Do you have an idea?- st333v11개월 전
@amishachar it sounds like you have turned on the fbp option "news sort: most recent". The Feeds page is the new "most recent" page. Simply turn that option off
- st333v6개월 전
@Nanna-Jan if you have any problems, you should follow all the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide on the FAQ page on FBPURITY.COM
Also stay up to date with the FBP news at fb.com/fluffbustingpurity
- st333v1년 전
@krzysziek45 please read the post at fb.com/puritytest it explains what to do if you see a sponsored post when using the new version of fbp. ive also i've updated fbp to v37.0.1 which should improve the ad hiding.
- Krzysziek451년 전
@st333v, many thanks for replying. The update to 37.0.1, which has now appeared on my PC, seems to have got rid of the wretched sponsored posts.
- thundresse1년 전
This is hands-down the best fixer/remixer/blocker app I've ever used. I don't have a lot, but I try to donate monies to the developer's cause. His crusade against Zuckerberggaslighting is 2nd to none!!! FBP is literally the ONLY reason I'll keep checking this site for friends/family. Otherwise I would've completely left years ago.
- programmerhat2년 전
This is normally a really solid plugin that reliably blocks ads. However it hasn't been blocking the Sponsored ads in the Facebook news feed recently. For an add-on that's working, try this other add-on instead
there is also a chrome version: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-ad-blocker-for-face/cfelggdancjlfmekcfekjemffindioac
and firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ad-blocker-for-facebook-app/
- bluesmomma2년 전
Love your extension. Havin trouble with notification pop ups. I have it checked on FBP, but still getting them.
@Opera-Comments-Bot its actually better to post at fb.com/fluffbustingpurity if you have any issues. as that Page has the latest infromation on updates to Facebook and FBP