開発者 'inbasic' の検索結果数: 12
Gmail Notifier
Multiple label and account notifier for Google Mail (Gmail™)
Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle.
A simple yet powerful notepad with HTML5 support and more
Email Client for Notmuch
a powerful IMAP and POP3 email client based on notmuch indexing engine
Badge counter for Gmail
Get badge counter for a custom user search query. Click on the toolbar button opens the newest email.
Open Two-Factor Authenticator
SHA-256セキュアストレージを備えたオープンソースの2ファクタTOTP(Time-based One-Time Password)認証システム
Control Center for YouTube
YouTube popup pause and resume as well as no buffer, HD quality, wide screen, ...
Bookmarks Manager and Viewer
An elegant bookmark manager with fuzzy search and more
Media Converter and Muxer
Easy to use video and audio converter and muxer based on FFmpeg multimedia command-line tool.
Media Player
video.js プロジェクトの上に構築された強力なメディア プレイヤーで、HSL、スピード コントロール、プレイリストをサポートしています。
Bulk Media Downloader
Grab and download media (image and video) sources by monitoring network (like FlashGot)
Turbo Download Manager
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