Opera ブラウザ が必要です。
This extension displays the number of unread items from BazQux.com in toolbar button.
Install the extension and log in to https://bazqux.com if needed. You will get unread count on the icon's badge. Click the button to open BazQux Reader site in a new tab.
- この拡張機能は一部のサイトのデータにアクセス可能です。
- この拡張機能は、タブおよびブラウジングアクティビティにアクセス可能です。
Kubana Bar
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Wayback Everywhere
Automatically redirect every page to its archived version in Wayback Machine, except the sites in Excludes List
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Weather icon in your toolbar displays real time weather of your place.
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enables visited link colors on Google News (gN) for convenient browsing
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Gismeteo Weather Forecast. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
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