Dibutuhkan browser Opera.
Save the content or a selection of text of your web pages quickly:
- save only the text of an entire web page in txt format;
- save the selected text of web page in txt format;
- command in context menu to save, quickly, the selected contents;
- use context menu to save html element to file and whole web page to zip archive
- Ekstensi ini bisa mengakses data Anda di semua website.
Tentang ekstensi ini
- Unduh
- 15.655
- Kategori
- Unduh
- Versi
- 1.1.0
- Ukuran
- 120,0 KB
- Pembaruan terakhir
- 18 Des. 2015
- Lisensi
- Layanan website
- http://mediamaster.eu/
SaveFrom.net helper
Unduh YouTube, Facebook, VK.com, dan 40+ situs dengan satu klik.
Pendapat: Jumlah total pendapat: 9580
Conexão Mega
Pendapat: Jumlah total pendapat: 2
Contas Turbo
Pendapat: Jumlah total pendapat: 2
Facebook download video
Unduh dan Simpan video favorit Anda dari Facebook.com
Pendapat: Jumlah total pendapat: 92
HDrezka Grabber
Fast and convenient downloading of movies and TV shows from rezka.ag! Access your favorite movies and TV shows in just a few clicks.
Pendapat: Jumlah total pendapat: 17