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The tool to measure the number of keyboard clicks for various reasons is the keyboard counter, try it out and count the clicks! The key counter is especially intended for those who find it challenging to complete other click tasks.
If the time limit in other click games on this website makes it difficult for you to perform well, then this challenge is the ideal opportunity for you to practice clicking from start and improve it without worrying about the time limit or leaderboard rankings.
Additionally, this counter might assist you in keeping track of other common counting jobs.
Tentang ekstensi ini
- Unduh
- 735
- Kategori
- Aksesibilitas
- Versi
- 1.0.0
- Ukuran
- 13,9 KB
- Pembaruan terakhir
- 24 Okt. 2022
- Lisensi
- Copyright 2022 jaunalia
- Kebijakan privasi
- Layanan website
- https://keyboardtester.info/keyboard-counter/
- Halaman dukungan
- https://keyboardtester.info/keyboard-counter/
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