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PUSHSTOP.NET user license agreement on the provision of non-exclusive rights to the "PUSHSTOP" program use ATTENTION! Before using the program, please read the terms of the following license agreement. Your use of the program means your full and unconditional acceptance of its terms. If you do not truly accept the terms of the license agreement, you should not use the program for any purpose. If you select the "Yes - I accept the terms of the license agreement" button when installing the software, it means your unconditional acceptance of the terms of this License Agreement. 1. General Provisions 1.1. This License Agreement (the “License”) establishes the terms of use of the PUSHSTOP computer program, the version for Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrom, Yandex browser or Mozilla Firefox (the “Program”) and is entered into between any person using the Program (“ User "), and HTTP://PUSHSTOP.NET, which is the copyright holder of the exclusive right to the Program (the "Copyright Holder"). 1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on your personal computer or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the License. 1.3. The Program Use is permitted only under the terms of this License. If the User does not accept the terms of the License in full, the User is not allowed to use the Program for any purpose. The use of the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the conditions of the License is prohibited. 1.4. Use of the Program under the terms of this License for personal non-commercial purposes is free of charge. The use of the Program on conditions and methods not covered by this License is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with Copyright Holder. 1.5. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this License and all relations connected with the use of the Program, and any claims arising from this License or use of the Program shall be considered in court at the location of the Copyright Holder. 1.6. The Copyright Holder may provide the User with a translation of this License from Russian into other languages, however, in the case of a conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, only the Russian-language version of the License is legally binding. 2. Rights for the Program 2.1. The exclusive right to the Program belongs to the Copyright Holder. 3. License 3.1. The Rightholder gratuitously, on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, grants the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in the territory of countries around the world in the following ways: 3.1.1. Apply the Program for its direct functional purpose, for which purpose it can be copied and installed (reproduced) on the user's personal computer (s). The user has the right to install the program on an unlimited number of personal computers. When installed on a personal computer, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number, which is automatically sent to the Copyright Holder. 3.1.2. Reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge). 4. Restrictions 4.1. Except for use in the amounts and methods directly described in this License or the legislation of the Russian Federation, the User shall not change, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform other actions with the object code of the Program, which is designed to obtain information about the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create works using the Program, as well as to carry out (allow to carry out) other use of the Program, without the written consent of the Copyright Holder. 4.2. The User has no right to reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (for a fee), including as part of collections of software products, without the written consent of the Copyright Holder. 4.3. The program should be used under the name: "PUSHSTOP". The User does not have the right to change the name of the Program, change and / or delete the copyright notice (copyright notice) or other reference to the Copyright Holder. 5. Terms of Use of the Program 5.1. The User is hereby informed and agrees that when the Program is running, the Copyright Holder automatically gets impersonalized (not associated with the User) reports with information about the visited sites, until the Program is turned off. 5.2. The User is hereby notified that in the process of Program usinf, he voluntarily agrees to view advertisements (insert / replace ad units and text / intext, open / show pop-up windows and other advertising formats) that are displayed on the page viewed by the user until the Program is turned off. 5.3. The user is hereby notified that when installing / updating the Program, he voluntarily agrees to replace his browser’s Home Page and replace his browser’s Search Box with any other at the discretion of the Copyright Holder. 6. License Limitations 6.1. The program is provided at “as is” basis (as is). The Copyright Holder does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program, the compliance of the Program with the specific goals and expectations of the User, and also does not provide any other guarantees which are not directly stated in this License. 6.2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Copyright Holder shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Program and / or damage caused to the User and / or third parties as a result of any use or non-use of the Program, including due to possible errors or malfunctions of the Program. 6.3. The User is hereby notified and agrees that when using the Program, the Copyright Holder automatically gets the following impersonalized (not being associated with the User) information: the type of the operating system of the User’s computer, the version and ID of the Program, information about the pages and their content, statistics on the use of the Program’s functions, and also other technical information. 7. Updates / new versions of the Program 7.1 The User is hereby informed and agrees to update the Program automatically (without the participation of the User) 7.2. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. Agreeing to install the update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms of this License for the corresponding updates / new versions of the Program, unless the update / installation of the new version of the Program is accompanied by another license agreement. 8. Changes to the terms of this License 8.1. This license agreement may be amended unilaterally by the Copyright Holder. These changes in the terms of the license agreement come into force from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the corresponding publication.