Opera ब्राउज़र की आवश्यकता है।
Get immediately the prayer times of month, calculating Muslim prayers time and export to PDF the table in just one click
Release 1.2.2 - Now addon is collocated in sidebar of Opera
Main Features
- Set 7 methods of time calculation
- HTML5 Geolocation to localize your times
- Set time format and DST (Daylight saving time)
- Export table to PDF and save in your hard drive
- यह एक्सटेंशन साइडबार में एक पैनल जोड़ेगा।
एक्सटेंशन के बारे में
- डाउनलोड
- 19725
- श्रेणी
- समाचार और मौसम
- संस्करण
- 1.2.2
- आकार
- 209.1 केबी
- Last update
- 12 दिसमबर 2017
- लाइसेंस
- सेवा वेबसाइट
- http://praytimes.org/
- सहायता पृष्ठ
- http://mediamaster.eu/contatti
Gismeteo Weather Forecast. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
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Minúta po minúte
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All EMSC Earthquakes
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RSS Zing
Notification for new RSS feed posts. No account required.
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Tiny Weather Forecast
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