Расширение для селлеров Wildberries от сервиса Marpla
Highlight interesting links. Hide irrelevant ones. Remove whole websites from search results. Cyberpunk! Updated bookmark experience
Metric Conversion
Convert among metrics like zetta, exa, peta, tera, giga, meta, kilo, hecto, deca, centi, milli, micro, nano, pico, femto & more
Minter Link
Minter Link — Minter Blockchain Multi Wallet & DApps connect
Currency rates on web pages
Metric Length Converter
Metric Length and Distance Converter to convert among, meter, kilometer, millimeter, centimeter, nanometer and more
Cornucopia Enhancement Suite
Various enhancements to Cornucopia.se
Generates BBCode for inserting URLs, Youtube Videos and images.
Change the facebook theme are colorful background
Google Images with Direct links
Adds links to images in Google image search. When click on domain link under image (like: yummi.club) - opens link in new tab, when click on size (like: 1440x900) - opens image in new tab. Also works in Search by image.
chuothamsterthuanchung is all about hamster food , hamster guides etc
Duo Strength
Adds individual skill strengths back into the duolingo webpage, similar to data on duome.eu
KISS Password Generator
The Keep It Simple Stupid Password Generator Extension generate strong passwords for use in conjunction with a password manager.
Markdown Diagrams
Render PlantUML, Mermaid and others graph/diagrams on webpages.
Print this Image
Print Image of web page, with rapid preview, using context menu
Polyglot Wikipedia
Better navigation between different language versions of Wikipedia.
Area of a Circle
Calculate area of a circle given any of the following, radius, diameter or circumference and vice versa
A search engine made by the people, for the people
BEAUTIFUL MS Tourism Agency in Bonito MS
AmoCRM and hh.ru integration
The extension has a simple registration through the key, which can be found in the account and email. After registration, a button for adding to CRM will appear on the page. We can select the desired funnel and transfer the necessary information to the system. If the candidate has already been added to CRM, a button will appear for viewing it in the system. Designed by Introvert.
본인인증 자동완성 (Auth Autofill)
한국 휴대전화 본인인증 자동완성 브라우저 확장 프로그램
Instructions for Making Delicious Snails
Snails - Discover the World of Snails, Instructions for Making Delicious Snails
Standard Deviation Calculator
Enter the comma separated values in the box to find standard deviation using standard deviation calculator.
Period Formed By Double Space
This extension turns double spaces into period and space.
How many Millions in a Billion
Convert among large number like million, billion, trillion and so no...
Kodebrikkesjekken protects against fraud and ID theft for Norwegian BankID
Gravatar Research
Click the right button of mouse on the image Gravatar to instantly receive the email address of an owner Gravatar
webcompat.com reporter
Click to report an incompatible site at webcompat.com, and optionally upload a screenshot.
Pythagoras Theorem
Calculates sides of right angled triangle using Pythagoras Theorem Calculator. Give two sides, third can be computed using this
RedForester Keeper Extension
RedForester extension to save web page quickly
Adds an option to right-click menu that downloads the link with put.io.
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