Opera blêder is fereaske.
Weather Forecast Plus is the most comprehensive weather forecast addon for web browsers.
1. Multiple locations support
2. Shows the current weather temperature in the toolbar icon
3. Shows 10-Day Weather Forecast in three different formats
4. Shows a Radar map of the selected location, plus a lot more useful information
5. Has global coverage
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op guon websteeën.
Oer de tafoeging
- Ynladen
- 17736
- Kategory
- Nijs & Waar
- Ferzje
- 0.4.0
- Grutte
- 87.6 KB
- Last update
- June 6, 2020
- Lisinsje
- Copyright 2020 philiptholus
- Tsjinst webstee
- https://add0n.com/forecast-plus.html
- Stipe side
- https://add0n.com/forecast-plus.html
- Boarne koade side
- https://github.com/alexis-jaksone/forecast-plus
Finance Toolbar
Get real time stock market information about your favorite stocks. Such as Apple, Down Jones, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.
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Just Bitcoin Ticker PRO
Bitcoin Price at a glance
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Advicefortech - Tech Blog News
Advicefortech extension for Opera lets you know about latest news of Technology.
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Kubana Bar
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Gismeteo Weather Forecast. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
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