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By default, certain parts of Discord's interface, such as emoji reaction buttons, can be difficult to tap on a touch screen. This extension makes them larger and easier to touch.
The Discord team has improved a lot of things in the past few years, such as the “⋮“ menus on individual messages, so the changes with this extension are less drastic than they were at launch, but I will continue updating this extension until the entire stock interface is touch-friendly.
Developed by Zachary Yaro - https://ZMYaro.com.
The source code is avaliable at https://github.com/ZMYaro/discord-touch.
The apps and extension I develop are supported in part through donations on https://patreon.com/ZMYaro.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op guon websteeën.
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- 2.1
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- 17.1 KB
- Last update
- July 22, 2022
- Lisinsje
- Copyright 2022 zmyaro
- Stipe side
- https://zmyaro.com/extensions/discordtouch
- Boarne koade side
- https://github.com/ZMYaro/discord-touch
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