Opera blêder is fereaske.
Save the content or a selection of text of your web pages quickly:
- save only the text of an entire web page in txt format;
- save the selected text of web page in txt format;
- command in context menu to save, quickly, the selected contents;
- use context menu to save html element to file and whole web page to zip archive
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op alle websteeën.
Oer de tafoeging
- Ynladen
- 15658
- Kategory
- Ynladen
- Ferzje
- 1.1.0
- Grutte
- 120.0 KB
- Last update
- Dec. 18, 2015
- Lisinsje
- Tsjinst webstee
- http://mediamaster.eu/
Convert and download your favorite YouTube videos to MP3 with a single click!
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 5
SaveFrom - YouTube Converter
Our YouTube Converter allows you to convert your favorite YouTube videos to MP3 or MP4 files, and download them for free.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 10
Download with JDownloader
Integrates the browser with JDownloader either by interrupting the built-in download manager or from right-click context menu
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 57
SaveFrom.net helper
Download YouTube, Facebook, VK.com and 40+ sites in one click.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 9583
Parser NiceDo
Браузерное расширение для приложений-парсеров NiceDo
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 1