Opera blêder is fereaske.
⚡ Build responsive websites 2X faster ⚡
- Test your website responsiveness in 20+ devices with real-time sync
- Just click element to edit CSS no need to check the element
- Hover to inspect CSS no need to open devtools
- Write CSS faster with builtin templates for animations/flexbox/grid layout
- 1 Click to export auto-generated media quires and global CSS
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op alle websteeën.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op guon websteeën.
- This extension can clear recent browsing history, cookies, downloads, passwords and related data.
- This extension can store an unlimited amount of client-side data.
Oer de tafoeging
- Ynladen
- 5949
- Kategory
- Developer Tools
- Ferzje
- 2.9.5
- Grutte
- 548.0 KB
- Last update
- Jan. 14, 2022
- Lisinsje
- Copyright 2022 intab-io
- Privacy Belied
- Tsjinst webstee
- https://intab.io
- Stipe side
- https://intab.io/#faq
PageSpeed Insights
This will take the URL of the current tab and send it to PageSpeed Insights for a web performance analysis.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 3
Web Developer
Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools. The official port of the Web Developer extension for Firefox.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 153
(X)HTML5 Checker
A small extension to validate the markup of current tab
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 5
Toggle Environment
Toggle between development environment url's
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 1
Wayback machine website
Online service that have 452 billion web pages saved over time and who is domain tool in context menu
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 4