Opera blêder is fereaske.
Strips the code from the HTML and leaves the text which is easily readable then the code.
It also removes extra white space characters from the text.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op guon websteeën.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo ljeppers en aktiviteit fan blêdzjen.
- This extension can store an unlimited amount of client-side data.
Oer de tafoeging
Дизайн-студия интерьера PRO Interior Design
Приложение от официальной дизайн-студии интерьера «PRO Interior Design». An application from the official interior design studio "PRO Interior Design".
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 2
Custom Scrollbars
Give your browser a personal touch with customized scrollbars!
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 36
Custom Page Zoom
Easily set a custom zoom level for each website (or all websites)
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 14
Hide it.
Hold Shift key and click on anything you want to hide it.
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Taringa sin Perdidas
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 3