Opera blêder is fereaske.
Low contrast text is the most common accessibility issue and affects 85% of pages. Text with sufficient contrast makes text readable to all users, including those with low vision, color blindness or environmental interference.
This extension will automatically fix low color contrast on any site you visit. Set your minimum level of contrast and this extension will automatically force any site you visit to meet your preferences.
Make every site readable without overwriting the rest of the design. Easily pick between ""Medium"" (WCAG AA level) and ""High"" (WCAG AAA level) contrast and optionally force the background color to change when needed as well for optimal readability.
Fix Contrast is free, does not run any external code, has no tracking and is supported by the Polypane browser for developers. For more, visit https://polypane.com
We are always looking for people to translate it into more languages, please reach out!
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op alle websteeën.
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- 83.4 KB
- Last update
- July 31, 2021
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- Copyright 2021 polypane
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- Tsjinst webstee
- https://fixa11y.com
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- https://fixa11y.com
Living Gossip
Living Gossip is your daily source of news and gossip, with educational articles contributed by our community.
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Track Bill
Ultimate source of bill tracking. Check and calculate your FESCO GEPCO HESCO IESCO LESCO MEPCO PESCO QESCO SEPCO and TESCO bills online for precision and surety.
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Linens Range
LINENS RANGE is a brand famous to offer complete selection of home textiles (including Sheets, Pillowcases to Mattress Protectors) in Polyester and Cotton.
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Royal Collection
Roy collections are presenting A to Z collection for men and women. In which the Eid collections and other latest Winter and Summer Fashion collections articles and modern replica are available.
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Zoom in or out on web content using the zoom button and mouse scroll wheel for more comfortable reading. That to each percent value.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 216