Politique du respect de la vie privée
GENERAL INFORMATIONS Vhumo is a free system that allows you to catalog your bookmarks quickly and easily, making them accessible from any device in order to consult them at any time. Vhumo only allows the saving of boomarks or links or hypertext links belonging to other websites located anywhere in the world that can refer to any content on the web. The use of the service is open to all. In some particular cases it is important that the guardians or parents are in control of the insertion of content by their children. In cases of need, you can ask for support in deleting or blocking the content or the user. Vhumo cares about the privacy of its users and it is for this reason that it does not collect any personal information and does not resell the saved information to third parties, even if anonymous. In some circumstances, the services to which we refer may acquire statistical information but always anonymously and when this happens, Vhumo is not informed. USE OF VHUMO The use of the Vhumo system is completely free, but the monetization systems through which Vhumo tries to monetize to keep the services active can be activated and information on the bookmark contents present in your profile can be acquired from companies external and unrelated to Vhumo. The use of the system is intended for private use and your contents are visible only within your profile and only through your authentication credentials. Your bookmarks can only be shared within the Vhumo system through the features that Vhumo makes available. Vhumo is not responsible for any operation that is not foreseen by its functionality. Vhumo can be used through extensions, which can be installed in the browser. Currently supported browsers are Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera. The extensions do not save any information and their use is governed by this information. All extensions authorized or in the process of being authorized by their respective reviewers use a light version of the Vhumo system, suitably adapted for the use of the system in small size iframes. The light version of Vhumo adheres to the same information contained in this statement without altering the rules and terms of use. CONTENT UPLOADED IN YOUR CATEGORIES The bookmarks saved in your personal categories can be verified in order to prevent the loading of bookmarks relating to websites that offer content not permitted by the Vhumo regulations. Such contents, if detected, are automatically deleted or blocked. The user may be subject to warnings or user blocking. In this circumstance, users who do not respect this setting can be reported. SYSTEM REGISTRATION Vhumo, allows user registration in a completely anonymous way. The user's profile is defined by a VhumoID, PinCode and a Username. This information is generated automatically and the user has no possibility to interfere in order to make your profile completely anonymous. Based on this setting, Vhumo does not even save the email address you use when registering. An email address is requested to which Vhumo will deliver a communication containing the data of your VhumoID without any keyword. The password must comply with criteria that allow a higher level of security for your profile. COMMUNICATIONS TO THE USER In order to communicate important information or news to you, Vhumo will use an internal messaging system appropriately designed to respect your privacy. In addition, Vhumo does not send any information / communication via email as we do not save your email address and your personal information. All communications will be notified to you upon accessing the system. The user is enabled to a simple reporting procedure that allows to have answers through a convenient internal messaging. Response times are not immediate and communications are saved with the request history. Vhumo could activate internal system surveys in order to collect information necessary to improve the service offered. INFORMATION SAVED Vhumo does not save the user's personal information but uses external systems such as Google Analitycs, Monetization Systems that could acquire important information on the user's navigation within the Vhumo system. The connection to the Vhumo system is protected by the SSL protocol provided by Let's Encrypt We would like to inform you that these systems can acquire: Traffic data and your geographical position Data on data exchange Information on browser Operating system used Default language Information on the display and device used ‚· This is the initial setting of Vhumo. If necessary, Vhumo may modify these regulations and provide for the saving of the IP address in order to block any unauthorized attack operations or block the activities of a user who does not respect the regulations of this website. COOKIES AND THIRD PARTIES We save session cookies to allow you to use and authenticate in Vhumo. Cookies are small text files saved on your device and can be removed through the cleaning functions provided by your browser. These cookies do not track your profile and have no profiling purposes. While browsing, third-party systems such as Google Analytics and Monetization systems can use profiling cookies in order to define your profile and display relevant advertising content. Vhumo is not responsible for any cookies applied to the user by the target site to which the bookmark saved in its category refers or by profiling cookies used by systems and services external to Vhumo. Complete information on cookies at: https://privacy.vhumo.com/cookie-policy.php THIRD PARTIES INVOLVED Vhumo, to keep its service active and provide you with complete functionality, relies on a Hosting service whose servers are located in the territory of the European Union. Hosting service operators have full access to the server to allow them to carry out ordinary or extraordinary assistance and maintenance operations. In this scenario, we inform you that they may view your information if they need to intervene in data maintenance, backup or restore operations. Hosting service operators are not authorized to use your information. Otherwise you can still receive a notification in your personal area. MOVING INFORMATION If it is necessary to move the user account information saved on systems such as: databases, storage and applications to other servers located in different geographical locations, the user will be informed through his personal area at least 1 month before the event. PROVIDING INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES FOR LEGAL OR INVESTIGATIVE CAUSES Vhumo, may provide account information, system logs and system data to subjects who have a legal role in order to facilitate any legal investigations. Vhumo reserves the right to share account information of registered users to comply with requests for access to data by competent authorities such as law enforcement agencies where required by law based on the data saved in the system for reasons of public security, legal proceedings, investigations or other that may facilitate the work of the authorities in order to protect the rights of Vhumo. Vhumo reserves the right to provide third parties with technical information that may be necessary in solving problems related to technical events, fraud, cyber attacks or spam and viruses. THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS AND SERVICES Vhumo, uses third-party services to guarantee you the best user experience such as: Google Analytics monitoring services Google Webmaster Support Service Monetization services Google web font utilization services CloudFlare use services for the acquisition of web kits Services of using fontawesome icons The information processed by the aforementioned services is not saved in any way in Vhumo and the aggregated data can be used by third parties for purposes defined in the Privacy Policies and Regulations appropriately managed by them, to which the user is referred for more information. The information saved in the Vhumo archives are geographically confined within the European Community. Third party services can store anonymized information outside the European Community and for which the regulations and legislation of the State in which they are stored are active. Vhumo, uses third-party services to monetize with user navigation through the following services: Google Adsense Media.net Propeller Keep in mind that Vhumo may suspend the use of advertising advertising services or replace them in rotation. USE OF THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION VHUMO IS IN POSSESSION In compliance with the maintenance and technical management of the system, the data saved in the log files can be used to improve or correct the service and security of the system. SYSTEM SAFETY Vhumo tries to protect your data in the best way both from an application and server point of view. Localized servers are used for data storage i in the European Union and managed by qualified personnel in specific DataCenters appropriately controlled and protected according to the laws in force, constantly updated and monitored by any attempted violation. The connection to the system is protected through the SSL protocol provided by Let's Encrypt also verified through log files. Access to the log files is allowed only to authorized personnel relating to the management of the technological infrastructure and therefore to the application logs if necessary. RETENTION OF INFORMATION Vhumo uses the information from your access to the system only for the period necessary to allow you to use the service. After your operational session, the information will be discarded. Keep in mind that the information on the log files managed by the technological infrastructure on the Plesk® control panel can persist for more than 30 days as there is a maximum size threshold of the log files or they may be subject to cleaning and maintenance. Vhumo retains the data of your account, profile, settings, categories and bookmarks that have been saved until it is definitively deleted. The deletion of data is irreversible, occurs physically and immediately. You can export your information before deletion to a readily downloadable support file. We do not store data generated by third party services. The monitoring and statistical data, the data of the advertising campaigns that you may see are saved in the archives of external suppliers. GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation Vhumo does not save any personal information of the user who visits the platform and even less of registered users. The registration in Vhumo is completely anomalous and to guarantee maximum protection we automatically generate the username, a profile picture is not required, an email address is not required to be saved in the archives. The monitoring system is also configured in order to anonymize aggregate statistical data. In this scenario, the statistics and monitoring will not provide any information regarding the user's IP address, but will give an aggregate indication of the characteristics and browsing and consultation habits of the platform. This information is important or may be in order to improve the use of the platform. In their profile, each user has the possibility to view a summary of their information and download all the data saved in the Vhumo archive and related to their profile. The cancellation of your account, intended as a profile (VhumoID), involves the instant and physical elimination of all the information associated with your VhumoID without the possibility of recovery. Keep in mind that your VhumoID data may be present in a Backup that may be kept for security reasons or in case of special requests by competent authorities. At any time, the user has the possibility to download and / or delete all information relating to his Vhumo profile. At any time, you can request support via the e-mail address: https://help.vhumo.com/mailSupport/ or send a message through the internal messaging system, only for registered users. The user has the right to request information or support from the Privacy Guarantor at any time or exercise his rights through a complaint addressed to the Privacy Guarantor. Following are the reference addresses: Complaint: https://www.garanteprivacy.it/modulistica-e-servizi-online/reclamo Contacts: https://www.garanteprivacy.it/home/footer/contatti BACKUP AND RESTORE We store some backup copies of the archives in order to ensure maximum security and information recovery. This setting makes it possible to comply with various scenarios such as: requests for verification or investigation by the competent authorities; restoration of the service in case of technical compromise or violation. UNILATERAL CHANGES TO THIS NOTICE At any time, we may modify this information in order to comply with legal obligations or to improve safety for the user. All registered users will receive a warning message in their profile at least 50 days before the change or in urgent cases, this change may take place without ample notice. In all cases, the user will receive a message requiring mandatory reading before continuing to use the Vhumo features. USER SUPPORT All registered users can request support through internal messaging, accessible from their Vhumo profile. Alternatively, you can send an e-mail to: https://help.vhumo.com/mailSupport/ specifying the subject and a detail detailed description of the request. Response times may vary depending on the amount of requests and the complexity of the intervention or checks.
Consulter le texte complet de la politique du respect de la vie privée.