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Ces extensions et ces fonds d'écran sont conçus pour le navigateur Opera.

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Ces extensions et ces fonds d'écran sont conçus pour le navigateur Opera.

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Icône pour Cookie Pirate

Cookie Pirate

4.2 / 5
  • Votre note
Nombre total de notes : 1

Politique du respect de la vie privée

- The cookies removed or otherwise modified by the extension are (1) not stored by the extension, (2) not tracked by the extension.
- Personally identifiable information is not collected or stored by this extension.
- System information is not collected or stored by this extension.
- The following data is collected and stored locally in the user's browser (using the extension API):
    - list of hostnames of enabled websites explicitly authorized by the user to be accessed by the extension
		e.g. -> stored:
    - extension options
        - reload option
        - badge option
- The above data, stored by the extension locally in the user's browser, is not transmitted by the extension to any entity external to the user's browser.
- Requirement of browser history permission is a result of requiring access to tab URLs during web requests and web navigations.
- Tab URLs, browser history and browsing activity, within the active tab or any other tab within any window of the browser are not tracked, monitored or otherwise stored
except as already stated.

Retourner aux détails de Cookie Pirate