Le navigateur Opera est nécessaire.
SiteBlock is a browser extension designed to help users increase their productivity and focus by blocking access to specific websites.
Here's an overview of the Site Block extension:
Website Blocking: SiteBlock allows users to create a list of websites they want to block or restrict. By adding the URLs of these websites to the SiteBlock extension, users can prevent themselves from accessing them.
Scheduled Blocking: Users can schedule specific times or days when the blocking rules should be active. For example, you can block social media sites during work hours or block entertainment websites during study sessions.
Words Blocking: Block search for specific words You can prevent your kids from searching for specific words in the browser. You can also create a list of words that will be blocked from being searched in the browser. Distracting and distracting words will prevent you from browsing.
- Cette extension peut accéder à vos données sur tous les sites.
- Cette extension peut accéder à vos onglets et vos activités de navigation.
Copies d'écran
À propos de l'extension
- Téléchargements
- 3 397
- Catégorie
- Vie privée et sécurité
- Version
- 3.0.2
- Taille
- 1,9 Mio
- Dernière mise à jour
- 22 juin 2023
- Licence
- Copyright 2023 codehemuofficial
- Politique du respect de la vie privée
- Site web du service
- https://www.downloadhub.cloud/
- Page de support
- https://www.downloadhub.cloud/2023/06/SiteBlock.html
WebGL Fingerprint Defender
Defending against WebGL fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Note : Nombre total de notes : 5
MetaCert: Internet Security (Website Identity)
Internet security for teams, remote workers and families.
Note : Nombre total de notes : 7
LastPass, primé, gère et sécurise identifiants et mots de passe sur tout type d’appareil.
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uBlock Origin
Un bloqueur de nuisances efficace, qui ménagera votre processeur et votre mémoire vive.
Note : Nombre total de notes : 5492
What is My IP Address
View your public ip address via toolbar popup.
Note : Nombre total de notes : 0