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These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser.

Download Opera browser with:

  • bloqueur de publicité intégré
  • battery saver
  • VPN gratuit

These extensions and wallpapers are made for the Opera browser.

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Icône pour Stop Reclame

Stop Reclame

4.2 / 5
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Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 133

Politique de vie privée

Stop Reclame DOES NOT collect and use any personal data automatically. 
Users have an opportunity to send a page screen and the list of installed extensions. 
This data helps us with finding problems on web pages. 
Screens are saved for one month, after that they are removed. 
Reports are saved for 2 years, after that they are removed.

Voir le texte complet de la politique de vie privée.

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