Capital One Shopping: Add to Opera for Free
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A simple and free way to help you save online
Here’s how it works:
- Available coupons are instantly applied to your cart at checkout.
- Capital One Shopping searches for a better price while you shop at Amazon, Target, Nike and over 100,000 other stores. So just shop like you normally would and you'll get automatic deals on tech, clothing, travel, gaming, qualifying energy bills and more. It's that easy.
- Earn Capital One Shopping Rewards while you shop, then redeem those Shopping Rewards for gift cards. Cha-ching!
Forget multiple tabs and browser windows, and stop spending time looking for deals online. Let Capital One Shopping do it for you.
- Cette extension peut accéder vos données sur tous les sites.
- Cette extension peut accéder vos données sur certains sites.
- Cette extension peut accéder vos onglets et activités de navigation.
Saisies d'écran
À propos de l'extension
- Téléchargements
- 5 514
- Catégorie
- Magasinage
- Version
- 0.1.1248
- Taille
- 3,8 Mio
- Dernière mise à jour
- 18 décembre 2024
- Conditions d'utilisation
- Politique de vie privée
- Site de service
- Page d'assistance
Quick Currency Converter
Currencies based on current average exchange rates of foreign currencies.
Pointage: Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 14
Opera Cashback
Get the highest cashback rates on the market with Opera Cashback
Pointage: Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 728
Snip it! button for eBay
Lets you instantly schedule your eBay snipes at
Pointage: Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 7
Direct Currency Converter
Converts prices from any currency (€, $, £, ¥, ؋, ৳, ฿, ៛, ₡, etc.) to prices in a selectable currency automatically while browsing.
Pointage: Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 11
Net Present Value
Computes the Net Present Value of the future cash flows based on given discounted rate and period
Pointage: Nombre maximal d'évaluations: 3