Edellyttää Opera-selaimen.
* Tomba : Email Finder
Tomba.io is an Email Finder for B2B sales and email marketing .
We are collecting and crafting public data using our Robots to provide an advanced prospecting tool to help professionals .
Data at scale
Direct from source
Tech driven
* Tomba allows you to
- Find email addresses with sources
- Find company information
- Check company social profiles
- Check email pattern
- Find emails for a specific job title
- Find a specific person's email
- The Confidence Score
- Export the email addresses found in CSV
- You can save in email by clicking the save as lead button
* Who uses Tomba: Email Finder
- Sales professionals
- Lead generation teams
- Recruiters
- Human resource professionals
- Business executives, Business analysts & Marketing consultants
Automatically save your leads to favorite CRM:
- Hubspot
- Mailchimp
- PipeDrive
- Airtable
- Zapier
* Join Tomba right now for a free plan and get 150 request every month
✔ Get up to 100 free credits when you sign up to test our tool!
register https://app.tomba.io/auth/register
* Tomba has other useful tools, including,
- Domain search
- Email Finder
- Email Verifier
- Bulk Domain search,
- Bulk Email Finder
- Bulk Email Verifier
Does not interfere with other email addresses finder Microsoft Edge
extensions including most popular clearbit, hunter, rocketreach, scrapp and works alongside with them.
# Privacy
Tomba's general terms and conditions https://tomba.io/terms-of-service
Tomba's privacy policy https://tomba.io/privacy-policy
- Laajennuksella on pääsy tietoihisi kaikissa verkkosivustoissa.
- Laajennuksella on pääsy tietoihisi joissakin verkkosivustoissa.
- Laajennuksella on pääsy välilehdillesi ja selaushistoriaasi.
Tietoja laajennuksesta
- Lataukset
- 4 647
- Kategoria
- Haku
- Versio
- 0.1.16
- Koko
- 684,8 KB
- Last update
- 18. lokakuuta 2022
- Lisenssi
- Tietosuojaseloste
- Palvelun verkkosivusto
- https://tomba.io
- Tukisivu
- https://help.tomba.io/en/
TinEye Reverse Image Search
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Power Thesaurus
View synonyms and antonyms by button in toolbar, right-click or by word selection on any page.
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