Nº de resultados al buscar autor 'andy-portmen': 29
Font Finder
Un inspector de fuentes fácil de usar que permite obtener los estilos CSS del elemento seleccionado
Server IP
Displays server IP address on every website
eCleaner (Forget Button)
Elimina rápidamente el historial reciente del navegador, las cookies, la caché, las descargas, los formularios y las contraseñas durante un periodo personalizado.
Undo Closed Tabs Button
Easily undo closed tabs via your browser's toolbar popup!
Tor Control (anonymity layer)
Brings the anonymity of the Tor network plus modifies few settings to protect user privacy
Open in MS Edge™ Browser
Envíe el enlace de la página actual o todas las pestañas al navegador Microsoft Edge o defina reglas opcionales de apertura con el botón izquierdo.
Open in Chromium Browser
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Chromium browser.
Open in IE
Send HTML links and webpages directly to the Internet Explorer browser without copy and paste!
Country Flags & IP Whois
Displays country flag of website's server location, Whois and Geo info
External Application Button
Run any external application with custom arguments from the browser toolbar or context menu to send links, text and more
Open in GIMP photo editor
Adds context menu items to send image links and image files directly to the GIMP photo editor
Open in Pale Moon
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Pale Moon browser.
Open in Waterfox
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Waterfox browser.
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
Auto Shutdown
Executes a system-level command to shut down, hibernate or standby your operating system when all downloads are finished
Download History Cleaner (Eraser)
Quickly remove the download bar and wipe your browser download history for a specified period with one click.
Open in VLC media player
Send audio and video streams directly to the well-known VLC™ media player
Open in Safari
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Safari browser.
Open in Firefox
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Firefox browser with a left-click or through right-click context menu.
Cookie Cleaner (Cookie Eraser)
Elimine rápidamente las cookies de su navegador durante un período definido con un solo clic.
Open in Yandex browser
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Yandex browser.
Open in Tor Browser
Open current page or link in tor browser for better privacy
Open in Google Chrome
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Chrome browser.
History Cleaner (History Eraser)
Un limpiador del historial del navegador con un solo clic. Puede limpiar el historial del navegador durante un período configurable.
Open in PDF Reader
Send PDF links directly to your favorite PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat Reader
Open in Sumatra PDF and DJVU Reader
Adds a context menu item to send PDF links directly to Sumatra PDF
Free OpenVPN Server Finder
Muestra la lista actualizada de servidores OpenVPN públicos proporcionados por VPN Gate (Universidad de Tsukuba)
Passwords Cleaner (Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser stored passwords for a defined period with one click
Drag & DropZones
Replace the context menu with fancy Drag & DropZones
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