Number of search results for 'reverse image': 196
Design Mode
Edit any page's content by switching to design mode, where you can modify the content and drag images around like a Word Editor
Save Text to PDF
Save rapidly text content and images of web page to PDF file: select text with context menu or get entire web page to convert to PDF
Auto-find & apply AliExpress ™ promo codes, price history, seller rating, similar products, find item by picture
Point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.
Поиск по картинке
Search the picture in the services of Yandex, Google, TinEye and Bing
IP to Number
Convert IP Address (v4) to Numbers like decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary. Also, converts valid (IP) number to IP address
Converts text on a webpage between hiragana and katakana.
The Rick-iffier
Break any webpage, transforming it into a horrible (wonderful) monstrosity!
HaTeMiLe for Browser
Improve the accessibility of web pages, especially for users who use screen readers or navigate using the keyboard.
Azure DevOps Fast Copy
Quickly copy the link to any Azure DevOps work item
HTTP Switchboard
Point & click to forbid/allow any class of requests made by your browser. Use it to block scripts, iframes, ads, facebook, etc.
TwicPics Companion
Using TwicPics has never been so easy!
Mini SDK JavaScript and APIs library to create PDF file for web apps
HexDump - Hex Viewer
Display file contents in hexadecimal, and ascii
Quick QR Code Generator
A super handy QR Code Generator / Creator for you.
Enable Right Mouse Click
Extension allows you to activate the corresponding right click on websites that restrict text copying and context menus.
Black Menu for Google™
The easiest access to the Google universe
Currency rates on web pages
Photonic Flare
Look for beautiful blurs and flares
Copy URL to Clipboard
Copy current page URL to clipboard.
Random quote on each new tab.
An essential and practical application for free-hand drawing and for optical character recognition in multiple languages.
QR – QR Codes
Show QR code™ representing url of current tab or right clicked link
Web Clipper: Easy Screenshot
all-in-on capturing tool for the visual part, the entire page, or a selective area with auto-scrolling and editing support
Snip Shot
Snip Shot is a user-friendly browser extension that simplifies the process of taking screenshots. With its one-click operation and intuitive user interface, users can quickly and easily capture any part of their screen and save it as an image. Snip Shot's minimalist design makes it a seamless addition to any browser, while its efficiency and usability make it the perfect tool for anyone who needs to take screenshots regularly.
'Improve YouTube!' (Video & YouTube Tools)
YouTube, tidy + smart? Youtube video youtube player size youtube color ad skip speed volume channel skipper tags playlist hide
Clip Art Search
Super Free Vectors/Stock Photos Search Engine , Over 100 millions + free vectors and stock photos on one place!
Add to TipMine
Add anything to TipMine
Screenshot for YouTube™
Screenshot any video on YouTube in one click
Manga Spread Merger
A browser extension that helps manga readers join/merge two-page spreads into one in websites that don't do that.
Plants Insights
Add plants to websites.
JavaScript QR Code
Make QR Codes in JavaScript
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