Checks for the exchanger in a black or white list, and displays additional information about them.
ElUniversal Annoying Modal remover
Avoid that boring modal window asking to join as member when visiting
Critical Value Calculator
To use critical value calculator, select the desired type of critical value, fill the required input boxes, and click calculate button
Roman Numeral Converter
Convert Arabic numbers to Roman Numeral and vice versa!
Generates BBCode for inserting URLs, Youtube Videos and images.
Surface Area of a Sphere
Computes surface area of sphere based on given radius of the sphere. Also calculates Volume.
Gelişmiş Özellikleri
Kids Way Clinic
View and interact with the Kidsway Clinic website directly from your browser.
StackExchange Notifications
Show recent achievements and inbox messages from Stack Exchange
Data Converter
Convert Kilobytes to Bytes and vice versa in one click
Форекс трейдер
Ponzta helps you to spend less time on certain sites. It does so by letting you save/categorize URL's for later quick access, while blocking side content on those sites.(for top 5 adult sites so far)
YouTube embedded player | PoziTone module
New features of YouTube Embed: track info notifications, easy player control, listened-to tracks list.
Fuel Calculator - fuel consumption
Calculator fuel consumption on 1/10/100 km, how much is enough 1/10/100 liters, consumption of gasoline per 100 kilometers, the volume of the tank car
Length Conversion
Convert from meters to feet, centimeters to inches, inches to feets. Range of common length conversions are available
Kursy walut NBP
Currencies based on Polish National Bank current average exchange rates of foreign currencies.
Расширение для селлеров Wildberries от сервиса Marpla
pyGet P2P file sharing
pyGet lets you share files with remote computers and smart-phones without the need of any plugins.
Document Sending
This extension verifies content on 3rd party web applications
Pnut Short Link Creator
This extension will create a shortened url link for you.
Textbox Auto Resizer
Passt die Größe von Textfeldern automatisch während dem Schreiben an
Slope Calculator
To find the slope of a line, enter the coordinate points of the line into the required input fields, using slope finder.
Percentage Calculator
Calculate Percentage value by applying percentage on an amount. Also calculates final amount by adding percent amount
Interactive world visa map
Circle 阅读模式
Make webpages pleasing to the eye and return reading to the original intention
Minter Link
Minter Link — Minter Blockchain Multi Wallet & DApps connect
Improve tabs by clicking
A pop-up window with multiple links of your choice and a context menu that adds new functions for managing open tabs.
Google Images with Direct links
Adds links to images in Google image search. When click on domain link under image (like: - opens link in new tab, when click on size (like: 1440x900) - opens image in new tab. Also works in Search by image.
Change the facebook theme are colorful background
Acronymify recognizes your acronyms on the web.
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