Патрабуецца браўзер Opera.
Click on the QR Share icon in the nav bar and it'll show a QR Code for the page, and when it's scanned on any device it'll direct you to the webpage without ever needing to share the URL.
It also uses dark/light mode based on your system's theme.
Здымак экрану
Пра пашырэньне
- Загрузкі
- 1420
- Катэгорыя
- Прадукцыйнасьць
- Вэрсія
- 1.0.0
- Памер
- 32.9 КБ
- Last update
- Вер. 2, 2022
- Ліцэнзія
Classic Images
Brings back image features from Opera 12
Адзнака: Адзнакаў: 56
Evernote Web Clipper
Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account.
Адзнака: Адзнакаў: 708
Images ON/OFF
Disable images on current site.
Адзнака: Адзнакаў: 20
Atavi bookmarks
Visual bookmarks, bookmarks sync across various browsers and absolute safety for your bookmarks
Адзнака: Адзнакаў: 178
Salary Seeker
Calculate the salary range for jobs advertised on Seek.
Адзнака: Адзнакаў: 1